Sunday, November 29, 2009

Thanksgiving Blessings

I hope everyone out there reading this had as wonderful a Thanksgiving as we did. We had the whole family over to our house for dinner. As we all went around the table saying what we are thankful for, I began to realize that this time last year I couldn't have even imagined how many blessings we would be given this year. Not only that we are all healthy and happy, but that by having Joe in our lives our family has come so much closer together. It's amazing that you can have a puzzle piece missing and not even realize it until it clicks in. As a side note, in case you were all wondering, in addition to family, Alex was thankful for electronics and Maddie was thankful for chicken. Go figure.

On Saturday we put up Christmas decorations. I was going to turn on Christmas music while we decorated the tree, but I thought it was cute that in the absence of anything else, Paul and the girls were singing Teddybear Picnic (see last post in case you are wondering).

I love going through all the boxes of decorations every year. One of my favorite items is the Nativity set my Mom got us. The set is from Israel and is carved from Israeli olive wood. As I got it out of the box and set it up, I remembered that last year, we couldn't keep Cloudy (our cat) away from it. (Tina - yes....same cat that peed in your suitcase) She kept getting up on the wine cabinet where we had it set up and we'd find her licking baby Jesus. And when she wasn't there, inevitably there was a pool of cat spit under one of the nativity animals. No sooner had I opened my mouth to ask Paul and the girls if we wanted to take bets on how long it would be before Cloudy found her long lost friend baby Jesus again, and there she was! We had to take a picture so you could all see that I couldn't make this up. For some reason this year she's become fond of the donkey.....not sure what's going on there.

Christmas is my favorite time of year and I can't wait to share this with Joe. His first Christmas! He's really into ripping up paper, magazines, kleenex, and whatever else he can get his tiny hands on. So I'm going to wrap EVERYTHING and let him have at it. It is not lost on me that this year, he will probably enjoy the paper and not even realize what's inside the paper. That's ok too.
Speaking of ripping up paper....I asked Paul if Joe is different than the girls were when they were small. I was curious if there was a big gender difference. He said he's definitely more restless and squirmy than the girls were. For example, Paul said he could sit and read a book with the girls. Joe just wants to tear up the pages of the book. If he's awake, he wants to be reaching for things and grabbing. When we put him in his bumbo seat now he practically pushes the tray off when he's turning around in the seat reaching for whatever he can reach behind him. I think maybe he's just more "boy" which is a good thing since he is a boy. Although if this is a sign of things to come.....I'm tired just thinking about it. He's been getting closer and closer to crawling here in the last few days. He's been spinning around in a circle on his belly for a while. But now that he's really interested in reaching for things, he gets frustrated if he can't get to them. So he's started getting his knees up under him and rocking back and forth in the crawling position. Let the baby proofing commence.

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