Saturday, November 21, 2009

Teddybear Picnic

Alex came home the other day and said that they got their cross country track pictures back and that she actually likes them! This coming from one of the people who will hardly ever let me take her picture let alone put her picture out here. She said "I look sexy." So, of course I had to capitalize on the opportunity and scan it in for everyone. It is a pretty great picture.

We got a chance to see a sneak peak of Maddie's solo dance. It's amazing. I was really, really impressed. She is so graceful and her turns are beautiful. It made me realize how much she grown up in the last few years. She's been practicing a ton! This year she's doing 7 dances...a solo, a duet, group pom, group jazz, group lyrical, group kick and group hip hop. She practices about 10 - 12 hrs a week. It makes me tired just thinking about it. But, she loves it! Their first competition is in February. (Which happens to also be when track season starts up for Alex....weekends will be CRAZY!)

Joe started getting a little bit of a runny nose over the last few days and I think I'm finally catching on. Runny nose = more teeth. Sure enough, he has two more coming in up top! That's a total of 6 now in case you are keeping count. He seems so much more like a boy and less like a baby every day. He tried apples today and really liked them! After a month of just veggies and rice cereal I could almost hear him saying "FINALLY!"

We've also discovered that he has a favorite song now. It can make him stop crying on a dime, and smile and laugh like nothing else. So we have it in the car and play it all the time. And when we aren't in the car, he gets Mommy's version. The song is "Teddybear Picnic." Not very popular, but much loved in our house. Well, Joe loves it. Alex, Maddie and Paul think it's creepy. Creepy or not, it works. Paul has tried to jump on the bandwagon, but for anyone who knows him, you know he can't remember a lyric to save his life. Unless the song was popular before the year 2000. Teddybear Picnic is no exception. His version makes it somehow a Christmas song, and the Teddybear's are having breakfast instead of a picnic, and then it morphs into a song from The Wizard of Oz. has the same tune so Joe loves it just the same. I really would have thought that after hearing it 50,000 times by now he would have learned the words. No such luck.
I'll try to get a good little video of Joe reacting to the song.....hold me to that promise.

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