Saturday, August 1, 2009

Four Month Doctors Appointment

Joe had his four month appointment last Monday. He had to have three shots. Watching him get shots is so sad because you know what's coming and he has no idea. So he's so happy and smiling even as we lay him down on the exam table and then the first shot comes and WHAM! It's just terrible. Joe was very brave.....and so was Daddy. Although Paul was on the verge of having to leave the room. He just can't stand watching his little guy in pain. It's very sweet actually.

Here are his four month stats:
23 in long
11 lb 11.5 oz (!!!)

The doctor said his growth chart is straight up and he's doing great! He's starting to catch up from being early.

Lately we've noticed that he's very much losing all of his strawberry blonde hair and it's starting to grow back in super blonde. It makes him look like he's completely bald in spots because his hair color matches his skin. Very funny. I hope his hair grows fast!

1 comment:

  1. i hope his hair grows faster than his cousin lauren's ;)
