Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Maddie's Birthday Parties

This was the "Week of Maddie!" She had three different birthday celebrations...who wouldn't want that?!? On Sunday we had everyone over to our house for her "family party" which is tradition in our family. This year was really special because Paul's cousin Tara and her kids Paige and Ty were in town visiting from Michigan and got to come over with Aunt Marcia to celebrate with us. Also in attendance besides immediate family were Grandma Sherri, Grandma Lesley and Grandma Nada. Maddie had a great time and was gifted very nicely (thank you everyone!).

Then on Monday she had her "friend party." She took her 6 closest friends to IT'Z and had a blast. IT'Z is a piza/arcade/game type Chuck E. Cheese only more appropriate for older kids. They were sufficiently stuffed with pizza and sugared out. Exactly what you want on your birthday. You know it's a hit when someone gets a stomach ache in the car on the way home from all the food....

Then last night we had our own little celebration and took the birthday girl out to eat at the restaurant of her choice and had a nice family dinner. She happened to choose the one restaurant in town that has their "Kids Eat Free" night that night. So....we didn't even actually buy the birthday girl her dinner. That's kinda sad. But she I suppose it's ok.

The official "Week of Maddie" has concluded.....or has it. I'm guessin if you ask Maddie it's ALWAYS the "Week of Maddie."

As far as the rest of us, we are a little under the weather. Joe swiftly caught the day care crud after only two days in, and brought it home to share with the rest of us. He was better after only a day or two, but Paul and I are still feeling the lasting effects. I hope this was him getting exposed to the germs and now we are going to be fine as opposed to this being the beginning of a long cycle of sick days.... Other than that, I really like his day care so far. I just wish I could put him in a bubble before we go in the door so he doesn't get sick again. No such luck on that. Baby bubbles probably aren't covered under insurance.

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