Monday, August 31, 2009

Touchdown Joe!!!

So… because I’d been so busy lately, I hadn’t yet had the chance to decide what my five-month-old son was going to do with the rest of his life. I mean, I’d pretty much already approved Maddie’s request for pursuing a teaching career. And Alex and I are currently negotiating a transition of her career plan from one involving veterinary medicine to a more liberal field like music and the arts, so needless to say, my career planning calendar had been a bit full to this point in the year. Not to mention, at the spry age of 38, I had yet to establish what I planned to do with my own life (save for the notion of procreating, amassing a collection of worthless comic books and setting the fantasy football world on fire). But back to the neglected one and the reason for this posting. It was late in the afternoon last Friday when I arrived at the boy’s daycare, I was my typical proud self, as I am when picking up any of my three wonderful and amazingly beautiful children. What I would soon witness however, was an omen of such righteous foresight, that it would soon be more than apparent that the boy’s future was not only planned, but already well set in motion. As I prepped the boy for transport, into his car seat he went, the usual cast of booger-stained hoodlums from other classes were coming dangerously close to us as they played with their dirty and equally booger-stained Nerf footballs. A teacher saw the potential collision and attempted to coral them, but as with most toddlers and females ages 16 to 58, they chose to ignore authority and do their own thing. Just at that moment, an errant pass just missed the fingertips of its target and headed straight for the car seat housing the boy. And despite the fact that the ball, like a 1970’s highlight reel, was seemingly moving in slower than slow motion, I couldn’t react. Even though the boy’s safety was threatened. Even though the ball, while only a Nerf, could probably inflict major damage to someone of his age and size. And even though my many years of martial arts training coupled with a freakish, athletic prowess second to none would on most occasions instinctively spring me into action like a hungry and tested battle cat, I couldn’t react. Why? Was I not worried? Was I unconcerned? Or, dare I say, was I curious, deep down inside, as to how the boy would react in a situation such as this? Maybe that’s it, because what I saw, was something that would’ve made Jerry Rice blush and would've made Lombardi proud. Just as the errant pass inevitably entered the usual safe haven known as his car seat, I looked in to survey the scene. What I saw, was what I could only describe in one word, and that word, my friends was... TOUCHDOWN!!! Yes, TOUCHDOWN. And to add to the legend, not only did he catch his first pass at the ripe age of five months, he did so while smiling from ear to ear. And while many great parents and coaches would preach humility and good sportsmanship in a situation such as this, my only thought at that moment was, MODESTY MY PASTY LEFT CHEEK. I could spend countless hours helping him to refine his technique. I could spend months working on his footwork. Heck, I could even spend years helping him to understand the fundamentals of the sport. But I want to be better than that. I want him to be better than that. Which is why I've instead chosen to devote the majority of our time together, from this point on, on developing a really cool and original endzone celebration. A proud day indeed.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Back to School!

This was a very eventful week around here. Joe reached a few more milestones and the girls were getting ready for school to

To commemorate the end of summer (note I said summer, not the end of the dreadful heat), we had a family pool day yesterday. It seems we've gone the whole summer without all being out in the pool together even once! Not sure how that happened. We'll have to do better next year.

I'll admit, Joe looks a little leary, but that's probably because the red tugboat floatie is pretty scary. It has a big smily face on it.....Alex wouldn't go anywhere near it. She said it creeped her out. I said it kinda looked like Paul.....

Anyway, it was a nice day together before the craziness of the school schedule and homework started back up. Alex starts Junior High this year which is just plain bizarre to me. I can't believe she's growing up so fast. She's goign to be running cross country and Maddie is focused on her dancing. She'll be doing a few more dances in competition this year than she did last year including a solo dance for the first time. We are very excited about their activities and will post more as the year goes on.

Joe is growing up just as fast it seems. He's 5 months old now!! This week he started pushing up on his hands when he's on his belly and he's rolling over pretty well from back to belly. He get hung up on his arm sometimes, but eventually he works it out. And he's trying so hard to go from belly to back. He swings his leg around and he gets it going, but then it just doesn't go. But he's working at it and I'm sure he'll get it soon enough. It seems all of this just happened overnight! One night he was still pretty stationary and now he's mobile - phase 1. Pretty soon we'll be running around after him. I guess I should rest up while I can!

More to come....

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Maddie's Birthday Parties

This was the "Week of Maddie!" She had three different birthday celebrations...who wouldn't want that?!? On Sunday we had everyone over to our house for her "family party" which is tradition in our family. This year was really special because Paul's cousin Tara and her kids Paige and Ty were in town visiting from Michigan and got to come over with Aunt Marcia to celebrate with us. Also in attendance besides immediate family were Grandma Sherri, Grandma Lesley and Grandma Nada. Maddie had a great time and was gifted very nicely (thank you everyone!).

Then on Monday she had her "friend party." She took her 6 closest friends to IT'Z and had a blast. IT'Z is a piza/arcade/game type Chuck E. Cheese only more appropriate for older kids. They were sufficiently stuffed with pizza and sugared out. Exactly what you want on your birthday. You know it's a hit when someone gets a stomach ache in the car on the way home from all the food....

Then last night we had our own little celebration and took the birthday girl out to eat at the restaurant of her choice and had a nice family dinner. She happened to choose the one restaurant in town that has their "Kids Eat Free" night that night. So....we didn't even actually buy the birthday girl her dinner. That's kinda sad. But she I suppose it's ok.

The official "Week of Maddie" has concluded.....or has it. I'm guessin if you ask Maddie it's ALWAYS the "Week of Maddie."

As far as the rest of us, we are a little under the weather. Joe swiftly caught the day care crud after only two days in, and brought it home to share with the rest of us. He was better after only a day or two, but Paul and I are still feeling the lasting effects. I hope this was him getting exposed to the germs and now we are going to be fine as opposed to this being the beginning of a long cycle of sick days.... Other than that, I really like his day care so far. I just wish I could put him in a bubble before we go in the door so he doesn't get sick again. No such luck on that. Baby bubbles probably aren't covered under insurance.

Monday, August 3, 2009

First Day of School

Today, Joe started school. There was so much buildup and everyone was so concerned about how I would handle dropping him off with strangers. To tell you the truth, I was perfectly ok with it. Daddy, and both Grandma's on the other hand were very anxious.

We had interviewed a number of daycares and investigated them thoroughly. I was very comfortable with our decision and going to visit last week made me even more sure that we had made the right decision.

However, the day came, and we got everything ready this morning. Got all of his stuff together and put him in the carseat ready to go. I had to take a picture to commemorate the occasion.

As a side note, not sure if anyone remembers, but one of the first posts we did had a picture of him in his carseat the day we left the hospital. You can tell how much he's grown when you see it in that context.

Anyhow, back to the story.....

So we got him in his carseat and during the four mile drive to the daycare, he fell asleep. So the dillema became, do we wake him up to meet his teachers so he doesn't wake up with strangers, or do we let him sleep. We decided to let him sleep. Grandma and I dropped him off around 8:30.

We picked him up around 11:30...we couldn't wait any longer to see how he was doing. When we went in, they said he'd done just great! The teacher said he was one of the easiest babies they had! He hadn't fussed a bit. Then I walked over to where he was laying down and this is the face I got.

He saved the pouty lip just for me. They said right before I got there he was just talkin' and smilin' away....then the pouty lip for Mommy. I suppose he needed to make me think he'd had a rough day. The big faker.

Anyhoo.....he apparently had a big 'ol time this morning because he's been asleep all but about an hour or two this afternoon. He barely wanted to wake up to eat....and from him, that's unusual.

Tomorrow's another day! We'll see how long Grandma can let him stay there...

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Four Month Doctors Appointment

Joe had his four month appointment last Monday. He had to have three shots. Watching him get shots is so sad because you know what's coming and he has no idea. So he's so happy and smiling even as we lay him down on the exam table and then the first shot comes and WHAM! It's just terrible. Joe was very brave.....and so was Daddy. Although Paul was on the verge of having to leave the room. He just can't stand watching his little guy in pain. It's very sweet actually.

Here are his four month stats:
23 in long
11 lb 11.5 oz (!!!)

The doctor said his growth chart is straight up and he's doing great! He's starting to catch up from being early.

Lately we've noticed that he's very much losing all of his strawberry blonde hair and it's starting to grow back in super blonde. It makes him look like he's completely bald in spots because his hair color matches his skin. Very funny. I hope his hair grows fast!