Sunday, August 1, 2010

Family Vacation 2010

We were all so looking forward to our family vacation. We had booked a trip to Mexico many, many months ago. By the time the trip rolled around, we all needed a getaway. Unfortunately, Tropical Storm Alex decided to join us on this trip. Let me explain....Tropical Storm Alex is in now way shape or form a reference to Alex Spanos (although you can imagine how many jokes were born of that coincidence). Tropical Storm Alex ripped through the Yucatan Peninsula and then over to mainland Mexico as a hurricane. Good times.

The storm pretty much met us coming off the plane. I'm not going to say it ruined our trip, but it definitely limited our tanning and ocean-going opportunities. It rained 4 of the 6 days we were there and the winds were so strong the marina was closed the whole time. We never saw a boat on the water, other than a cruise ship. We did make the best of the situation though.

This was Joe's first plane trip and we were really worried about how he'd do. He actually did great considering he's the busiest child I've ever seen. He is constantly on the go. So thankfully he had 6 laps to go back and forth between. The plane ride is only about 2 hrs, and on the way there, he fell asleep just as we were making our descent (perfect timing). I timed it all out so we'd be getting on the plane right during his nap time.....he wasn't having anything to do with my well laid plans.
As I said, we made the best of the situation. Since there was rain, but no lightening, all the people at the resort continued on with the pool festivities rain or shine. The resort was really nice, and the food was great. Joe had a great time exploring and almost never napped the whole time we were there (except either on the beach or in the lobby with Do). There was just too much to see. This picture of him walking in front of the stroller seemed to be a good representation of how things went. I tell you one thing I learned above all else.....traveling with a 1 year old isn't relaxing no matter how you look at it. I can't even imagine if we hadn't had Do and Grandma there to help.

Here's a picture of the view from our room during one of the sunnier moments. There were live crocodiles in the swampy area. I was the only one that saw one during the trip....and the housekeeping lady pointed it out so I know I wasn't crazy. It was HUGE.
On the first day, the rain was coming down in sheets on and off through the we decided to team up and play a game of walkie talkie hide and seek. Paul, then added the rule that the clues had to be given in rhyming form. We had a lot of fun with this game. Alex, Do and I won....Paul and Maddie would debate that.
This picture is when we found Paul and Maddie hiding in a hut.
And this one is when they found us at the end of the pier. This picture shows how windy it was.
This picture is of Joe looking at us through the window as we ate dinner. He wouldn't sit still long enough to eat so we had to eat in shifts.

Do and Joe had a great time hanging out. One day they went off to explore and we couldn't find them for hours. We searched and searched. (We had walkie talkies but Do always forgot his....mostly when he was going off with Joe.) Paul, Alex and Maddie found them asleep together on a couch in the lobby. Later that evening at dinner, a lady walked up to us and said, "Oh, I saw the two of you sleeping on the couch. It was so cute. I wished I had my camera to take a picture."

There was this sculpture of the Tree of Life in the Lobby and Joe LOVED it. Anytime he was there he had to go see it and tell us what all the animals say.
Joe partaking in the chocolate fountain in the lobby. Do really showed him a good time....
One of our neighborhood friends....He lived under the sidewalk on our way to the restaurant from the room. We always looked to see if he was out or hiding. He was giant. And he's why Joe now knows what a lizard "says". (He sticks his tongue in and out when you ask him. Very cute.)

The pool at the resort was really cool and had a big water slide and a really high cliff you could jump from. Here's Maddie's mid-air cliff jump.
And Alex's.....
Joe hanging out at the pool. (That's the lower cliff behind him)
Alex and Maddie as we were waiting for the shuttle back to the airport.

Even with the storm, we had a lot of fun. And it wouldn't be a typical Paul/Nikki vacation if something a little crazy didn't happen. We are pretty much known for that. I'm really surprised people still travel with us to be honest.

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