Thursday, June 24, 2010

I have no idea where to even begin!

There's just too much to tell when you wait over a month to update the blog! Must remember not to let that happen again (sorry Tina!!)

I guess the biggest news is that Joe has been walking now for about a month. That would explain the big blogging hiatus on my part. Wow does walking change everything! It's like his whole world has just been opened up! He's off exploring the house and wants to walk everywhere we go.

Not only is he walking, but he's saying a few words like dog, duck, uh-oh, wow, and a few others. We went to the zoo recently for his friend Cameron's birthday party and he was just amazed by all the animals. He's very into animals right now and has learned that a cow says moo thanks to his favorite video, Baby Einstein's Old MacDonald's Farm. He actually requests it and if I'm not paying attention, will go get the case and bring it to me so he can watch it. The kid catches on quickly. While we were at the zoo, Joe got to pet some goats. Paul wanted me to make sure to clarify for all of you that these were REAL goats, not our dog Abby who he CALLS a goat. Paul can't let that go.....

We also had the first work trip for Mom come up in the last few weeks. This was the first time I was away from him overnight and it was for 5 nights! I was in Krakow, Poland for some meetings. Loved Krakow by the way. Beautiful city and very tourist friendly. Now that the first one is over with, I'm really looking forward to planning a trip later in the year for Paul and I to go somewhere. This is our 5 yr anniversary, so we are in negotiations over the location at the moment.....

We went to help Grandma with her garage sale. Joe was a BIG help and a big hit with the ladies too.

Here's a video of him the first week he started walking. This was around the last week of May. My, oh, my what a difference a few weeks makes. He's practically running now!
These two are of him "attacking" his sisters with love.
Last Sunday he had his first haircut. He went from baby to little boy instantly! It was very sad! The next day at school, the teacher at the front desk said "Why does Joe look older today?" So I told her he had his first haircut and she said "You took away our Precious Moments baby!" They all thought he looked like a little Precious Moments figure. (He is pretty cute.)
Here's "before" with the crazy baby mullet hair.

During (this picture deceptively makes it look like a calm event. It was not.).

Here's the "after" picture with his smashing new haircut.

The girls are out of school and really happy to have some time to relax. Maddie just got back from a little trip with a friend of hers to Chicago. They had a bit of excitement with a big storm coming through and the power going out. They ended up having to switch hotels. Also, they learned how to play poker from some older folks playing in the lobby. Interesting vacation activity!

Alex was busy with a running camp, but has hurt her knee and is going to have to have a little surgery to fix it. They said she should be up and walking within a few days and back to running within 6 weeks. We are hoping this helps with the pain so that she'll be more comfortable next year for track.

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