Friday, July 10, 2009

What's been going on with us lately

My niece and nephew, Easton and Lauren, came to visit from San Diego. We were so excited to see them and they were so excited to meet Joe for the first time! It's been about 7 months since we've spent time with them. We took them to visit NASA and The Children's Museum and rode the train in Hermann Park. Mostly, we did a lot of swimming since its been SO hot here and Joe got to show off his new water moves. He's a natural if I do say so myself.

We attempted to take Joe to his first July 4th fireworks show. I say attempted, because we were great all the way up until about 5 minutes before we needed to leave. Then the meltdown ensued. Needless to say Alex, Maddie and Paul had to go without us. We did manage to get a really cute picture of him in his "All American Hunk" outfit that was purchased just for the occasion.

The major news of the week is that we had Joe's follow up appointment with his pulmonologist to take a reading from his monitor and see if he has officially been episode free for a month. And the verdict is.....YES! NO MORE MONITOR! He's a free baby! I think Mommy and Daddy are happier than him. He actually didn't seem bothered by it at all. He didn't even wake up when the alarms went off....but we sure did.

For anyone keeping track, Joe is now 11 lb and growing like a weed. He looks so "healthy" these days. I visited a friend of mine who just had a baby on July 3 and her daugher is about 6.5 lb. She looked incredibly tiny. It's hard to remember that Joe was even smaller than that! We were so excited when he reached 5 lb when we brought him home and look at him now! Amazing how time flies and how fast they grow. Everyone always says that but now that I'm living it I can see how very true it is.

I promise to do better about writing posts. I really never realized how very little time I'd have to do these things once I went back to work. But I quickly found out.

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