Wednesday, June 3, 2009

That Darned Monitor

The monitor.....oh, the monitor. As I mentioned in my last post, Joe came home from the hospital on an apnea monitor. It consists of a band wrapped around his chest with two sensors that alarm if either his heart rate goes up or down beyond a certain threshold or if he stops breathing for 20 seconds. And the sensors are attached to a monitor that is in a carry bag about the size of a camcorder. I'd say it's about 5 pounds.

That alarm is LOUD. So loud that you can hear it from any room in the house and Maddie woke up in the middle of the night when it went off one night thinking it was a fire alarm. Besides it being loud, it's really cumbersome to carry the baby and the monitor around everywhere. The bigger he gets, the heavier baby + accessories become. As you can imagine, I'm anxious to have an untethered baby!

Over time, since he came home, the alarms have been going off less and less frequently to the point that it rarely went off at all! So we had the data pulled and analyzed so that the doctor could look it over and see if he still needed to be on it at all. I went on May 22 and unfortunately she hadn't received the results yet, but based on what I was telling her, she said he only had to have the monitor on at night. Woooo-hoooo! THAT I can handle!

Then on June 1, we got the call that based on the analysis she was finally able to review, he needs to go BACK on the monitor all the time and we have to go see a Pediatric Pulmonary specialist. Boo. Back to baby on a rope.

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