Wednesday, June 24, 2009

First Week Back at Work and Update on The Monitor

June 15 was my first day back at work after having spent 12 weeks at home with Joe (with the exception of the first two and half weeks he spent in the NICU). I will say that the first month after he was born was tough and I was exhausted. At that point, work sounded like a vacation. But as Joe and I got to know each other and we started settling in...I just didn't want to leave him! At the same time, I missed having a routine and I love and missed the people I work with. I'm finding now how hard it is to acheive a work/life balance and that you just can't do any of it perfectly. I'll have to keep working on that...

That being said, I really thought my first day of work would be tough. However, I was at peace with it all because I knew he was in the best hands possible (if it wasn't going to be mine or Paul's). He was with Grandma Lesley (my Mom)! That first day, she sat outside on the rocking chair with him to greet me when I got home. And it was such a special greeting....I'll never, ever forget it. He was facing away from me when I drove up and when I got out of the car, I said "Well hello little one!" When he heard my voice, his little lip stuck out and started quivering. He still hadn't seen me. Then I went over and picked him up and his whole face lit up. He got a giant grin on his face and he reached out and touched my face. It was priceless and so worth the day away from him just to get that reaction. It was honestly the first time I realized that he knew me and that I was someone special to him (and not just the "grocery lady" as my NICU nurse friend, Jill, used to say). I suppose I'd never really been away from him for more than an hour prior to that for him to have an opportunity to miss me.

Grandma is such a wonderful teacher! I come home every day and she's had him on another adventure! He's learned how to slam the shutters down with his feet. He's made friends with the bushes in the back yard. He's been on lots of walks, and even loves "running" in the pool! Grandma likes to say he's "brilliant." I think I'll agree.

As for the monitor, the doctor said he has to keep it on until he's been episode free for 4 weeks. We go back on July 8 to get the latest reading and see how he's been doing. When we went last time, he had been episode free for 2 weeks..... Keep your fingers crossed everyone!

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