We went over to Alex and Maddie's Mom's house (Nada) so that Joe could go to their neighborhood Easter party. He was napping so he missed the egg hunt, but he did get to see the two pet bunnies. He wasn't so sure about the bunnies....and it looks like the bunny wasn't too sure about him either.
We had Joe's one year pictures taken yesterday. Once we get them in I'll put a few out here for everyone to see. He was not in typical laid back Joe form. He pretty much cried the whole time and the poor photographer definitely had to earn her money that day. Paul and I still have nightmares where she's screaming "WASADOIN" and the stuffed bear is floating around above our heads. As much as that might have creeped us out, Joe thought it was hilarious and we got some good pics.
After pictures, we had lunch at Panera Bread. While we were eating, a little girl, maybe 10 years old, at a nearby table walked by and asked what his name was. We told her his name was Joe and she paused and said "he's beautiful." It was the sweetest thing! Paul still thinks she was really asking about him, and not Joe. I'm certain it was the other way around.
For Easter, we had GMS and GPJ (Grandpa Jim) over for dinner. I should say, we had them over, and GPJ cooked dinner. GMS brought the kids Easter presents. Joe's present was a book and Gerber puffs. He is ADDICTED to puffs so he immediately started flailing his arms. She definitely knows the way into his heart. Here's a cute picture of the kids on Easter.
Here's a picture of Joe riding in his new car. He got this for his birthday and he LOVES it. He rides pretty well in the stroller, but after a while he wants out. In this, we can go forever and he doesn't make a peep. He just looks and points and takes it all in. All while "steering" his car. I really wanted to get a picture of him chilling with one hand on the steering wheel and the other draped over the back of the car, but he moved every time I tried to get a picture.
Maddie and Joe have a little thing they do.....here's a video of it. They do this all the time. It's like their own little language.
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