Sunday, February 7, 2010

First Competition of the Season Down!

Maddie had her first dance competition this weekend. This one was just for her solo and duet. She was so nervous because this was the first year she's done a solo. We were really worried about her ankle holding up since it's still been bothering her, but she did AMAZING! She made the top three finalists in her age group for her solo dance and she and her partner were the CHAMPIONS for their duet!!! I think this one really gave her the confidence to know for sure she could do it! (We knew all along in case anyone was wondering.)
I took video of both dances, but here's your health warning. I was holding a baby in one hand and the camera in the other, so....if you are prone to motion sickness you may want to pass. It's mostly good, with a few shaky spots. They were too big to load onto the blog directly, so you can view them using these links to youtube. (**note - you tube thinks I'm trying to pirate music and they removed the audio from Maddie's solo video. So now its just dancing, no music. Sorry....I tried)

Next week.....all 7 dances. Think happy, happy, good luck & strong ankle thoughts for her!


  1. Wow Maddie!!! You are quite the dancer. Very impressive.

  2. ya go maddie by the way i am he bbbbbbfl love kat maddue you rock my world peace
