Joe's newest trick that he's quite proud of is squealing as you can see in BOTH videos. It is just so cute I had to torture you all with TWO videos this time.
Sorry for all the neck cramps you will get on this one. I'm not smart enough to figure out how to flip it.
We will be trying veggies this month now that he's 7 months far we've just tried Avocados since they were easy to mash up. I can't seem to find a baby food grinder around here anywhere and I'd really like to give him "real" food instead of the jar baby food. I'll have to see how difficult it is to keep up. But for now, he's still nursing and taking rice cereal so we'll just keep trying with the veggies. The avocados were semi-successful. He ate what seemed at the time like just a little bit. I think either he ate more than I thought, or the avocado multiplied during "processing." He kept opening his mouth for the spoon so that was good. I did get the nasty face similar to the first time we tried rice cereal though. We'll keep trying. Peas and carrots are next. If I can just keep Paul from gagging we'll be ok.
I can't believe he's 7 months already. He was 7 months old on Paul's birthday. I won't say how many month's Paul is... My how time flies. Joe looks like a little boy to me now more than a baby. And he has such a personality. I just want to bottle him up and keep him like this forever. I say that, but really, I look forward to all the things we have still to enjoy. I'm so conflicted!
Here's a cute picture of Joe and Uncle Jimmy making the same face. This was taken at Paul's birthday dinner last night.
hi it is me kat just saying hi to maddie it is so cute that joe cann say dada i couldn't evvn say dada when i was about 3