Thursday, December 31, 2009
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Joe's First Christmas
Monday, December 21, 2009
Birthday Fun
Saturday was my birthday. I'm not going to say how old. And right on queue, I woke up to a stiff hip. Seriously? That's not a very nice birthday present. Couldn't God have given me something that made me feel youthful instead?
I had but one request for my birthday. I wanted to go out for date night, eat at a restaurant without high chairs, and see a movie. I guess that's actually three requests. Paul and I have tried a couple of times to go out without Joe but something always happened. Last time it was the day it snowed and we were supposed to have frozen roads. This time, no excuses. So we actually made it out of the house! I think after 9 months, my movie picking abilities are a little rusty though. We saw a really sad, depressing movie that made me not want to get old. I'll have to go back to the tried-and-true chick flick next time. Sorry Paul.
Paul took the girls to a concert on Dec 18. It was a concert hall full of screaming girls anxious to see Justin Beiber. Unbeknownst to him, the venue was standing room only and tweenage girls are crazy strong. They got pushed all over the place! Luckily Paul and another Dad were there to make sure the girls were safe. They had a ton of fun.....but no pictures that I'm aware of.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Not so sure about this Santa guy...
He's also doing a pretty good job of crawling now. But only when he really wants something. Otherwise, he thinks if he grunts long enough we'll figure out what he wants and he won't have to work for it. So far, that's working for him. He's also pulling up quite a bit too.....but so far, only on me and not on the furniture. (We have to keep his nails trimmed short for that trick. I don't learn very quick as is evidenced by the slices all over my neck.)
My office puts on a Christmas party for the children of employees every year. Santa and Mrs. Clause are there and they play Christmas movies and have all kinds of activities such as baloon animals, games, snacks, etc. I know Joe is too young to enjoy any of it yet, but I thought it might be a more successful first visit with Santa there as opposed to visiting him at the mall with a big long line of people. Joe did so good! He just kept staring at Santa and then looking at us to make sure we were still there. He stayed there for a good minute or two while we snapped some pictures. No tears! Although as you can see in the second picture, I think we saved him moments before the tears were set to appear...
Joe's been getting a cold and cough over the last few days. There's nothing more sad. He's just not himself and he just wants to be held. This was taken during one of his better moments. He was in his high chair and he had his foot propped up. I think he thought it was a lounge chair. Very cute. Yes, that's a bruise between his eyes. Not sure how it got there, but it doesn't seem to bother him. Must be one of those "just-learning-to-toddle bumps." Either that or his little girlfriend, Avery, at the Day Care whacked him a good one.
Hope all of you are well and having lots of fun during these holidays!
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Thanksgiving Blessings
On Saturday we put up Christmas decorations. I was going to turn on Christmas music while we decorated the tree, but I thought it was cute that in the absence of anything else, Paul and the girls were singing Teddybear Picnic (see last post in case you are wondering).
I love going through all the boxes of decorations every year. One of my favorite items is the Nativity set my Mom got us. The set is from Israel and is carved from Israeli olive wood. As I got it out of the box and set it up, I remembered that last year, we couldn't keep Cloudy (our cat) away from it. (Tina - yes....same cat that peed in your suitcase) She kept getting up on the wine cabinet where we had it set up and we'd find her licking baby Jesus. And when she wasn't there, inevitably there was a pool of cat spit under one of the nativity animals. No sooner had I opened my mouth to ask Paul and the girls if we wanted to take bets on how long it would be before Cloudy found her long lost friend baby Jesus again, and there she was! We had to take a picture so you could all see that I couldn't make this up. For some reason this year she's become fond of the donkey.....not sure what's going on there.
Christmas is my favorite time of year and I can't wait to share this with Joe. His first Christmas! He's really into ripping up paper, magazines, kleenex, and whatever else he can get his tiny hands on. So I'm going to wrap EVERYTHING and let him have at it. It is not lost on me that this year, he will probably enjoy the paper and not even realize what's inside the paper. That's ok too.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Teddybear Picnic

We got a chance to see a sneak peak of Maddie's solo dance. It's amazing. I was really, really impressed. She is so graceful and her turns are beautiful. It made me realize how much she grown up in the last few years. She's been practicing a ton! This year she's doing 7 dances...a solo, a duet, group pom, group jazz, group lyrical, group kick and group hip hop. She practices about 10 - 12 hrs a week. It makes me tired just thinking about it. But, she loves it! Their first competition is in February. (Which happens to also be when track season starts up for Alex....weekends will be CRAZY!)
Joe started getting a little bit of a runny nose over the last few days and I think I'm finally catching on. Runny nose = more teeth. Sure enough, he has two more coming in up top! That's a total of 6 now in case you are keeping count. He seems so much more like a boy and less like a baby every day. He tried apples today and really liked them! After a month of just veggies and rice cereal I could almost hear him saying "FINALLY!"
We've also discovered that he has a favorite song now. It can make him stop crying on a dime, and smile and laugh like nothing else. So we have it in the car and play it all the time. And when we aren't in the car, he gets Mommy's version. The song is "Teddybear Picnic." Not very popular, but much loved in our house. Well, Joe loves it. Alex, Maddie and Paul think it's creepy. Creepy or not, it works. Paul has tried to jump on the bandwagon, but for anyone who knows him, you know he can't remember a lyric to save his life. Unless the song was popular before the year 2000. Teddybear Picnic is no exception. His version makes it somehow a Christmas song, and the Teddybear's are having breakfast instead of a picnic, and then it morphs into a song from The Wizard of Oz. has the same tune so Joe loves it just the same. I really would have thought that after hearing it 50,000 times by now he would have learned the words. No such luck.
I'll try to get a good little video of Joe reacting to the song.....hold me to that promise.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
The latest news on the homefront
In other big Joe news....he's started saying Mama. The first time he said it I wasn't even there! I missed it! But Alex called to tell me about it. And now he says it alot. And mostly when he's cranky. We've unleashed a beast. It's so sad too. He'll wake up from his nap and stick out his lower lip and start saying "mamamamama." I can't tell if he is really associating it with me yet. But even if he's not, he still said mama first!
I've been asked recently whether this is supposed to be just a Joe blog, or if it's supposed to be for the whole family. My answer to that is that its supposed to be for the whole family....but Joe is the only one who will let me take their picture and put it on the blog for the most part. Everyone else is old enough to veto it and I get A LOT of vetos. I also get a lot of back of the head shots and hand in front of the face poses. And I'm the one taking the you don't get to see much of me in here. I'm going to keep trying, but no promises.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Pretty boring week...
Here's a picture of Joe typing me a message.
I was looking on the internet and he just reached for the keyboard and started typing. I pulled up a blank Word document and let him go at it. Here's what he typed:
Lk;;asdo-m.k.2902ikepe a ao9
Anyone know a cryptographer? I'm sure it's pure brilliance and I'm just not smart enough to decipher it's hidden meaning.
He's been giggling some lately. Which is a big change from his normal silent laugh. I tried to capture it. It's hard enough to get him to laugh, let alone do it over and over so I get a good take. Here's the best I could get. Appreciate the effort if not the product.
And here are a few other random pictures from the week. Enjoy!
Joe on our walk. He's in his stroller without the carseat now!
No, we aren't letting him take the car out alone until next year. Don't worry.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Happy Halloween!
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
The First Date...
Joe's newest trick that he's quite proud of is squealing as you can see in BOTH videos. It is just so cute I had to torture you all with TWO videos this time.
Sorry for all the neck cramps you will get on this one. I'm not smart enough to figure out how to flip it.
We will be trying veggies this month now that he's 7 months far we've just tried Avocados since they were easy to mash up. I can't seem to find a baby food grinder around here anywhere and I'd really like to give him "real" food instead of the jar baby food. I'll have to see how difficult it is to keep up. But for now, he's still nursing and taking rice cereal so we'll just keep trying with the veggies. The avocados were semi-successful. He ate what seemed at the time like just a little bit. I think either he ate more than I thought, or the avocado multiplied during "processing." He kept opening his mouth for the spoon so that was good. I did get the nasty face similar to the first time we tried rice cereal though. We'll keep trying. Peas and carrots are next. If I can just keep Paul from gagging we'll be ok.
I can't believe he's 7 months already. He was 7 months old on Paul's birthday. I won't say how many month's Paul is... My how time flies. Joe looks like a little boy to me now more than a baby. And he has such a personality. I just want to bottle him up and keep him like this forever. I say that, but really, I look forward to all the things we have still to enjoy. I'm so conflicted!
Here's a cute picture of Joe and Uncle Jimmy making the same face. This was taken at Paul's birthday dinner last night.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Fall has...fallen?
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Joe, Meet your Uncle Joey
Joey and the kids went on to San Diego after their stay in Texas. They were going to pick up Caroline (my Sister-in-Law) and take a trip to Disneyland while Joey's home. He heads back out October 12. Everyone keep him and all our troops in your thoughts and prayers! Let's hope the next 4 months until he's home for good goes by quickly for everyone.
Last weekend we took a mini-vacation and the five of us met up with Do, Grandma, Joey and the kids in Grapevine, TX to stay for a few days at the Great Wolf Lodge. If you aren't familiar with the resort, it's a big hotel with a huge indoor/outdoor waterpark inside. They have several of them around the U.S. It was way too cold to go outside (way too cold being about 75 degrees and overcast), but they have huge waterslides, a wave pool, lazy river, a giant fort and an area for little kids indoors. It was a lot of fun. All the big kids (Joey, Paul, Easton, Alex and Maddie) loved the slides. Lauren and Joe liked the hot tub the best. NOT TO WORRY....I only put his feet in....and it wasn't any warmer than his baths are at home. I tried to sit with him in the shallow end of the kiddie pool but the water was just too cold. So after he got his tootsies warm in the hot/warm tub, he took a little nap with Grandma.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
The doctor's 6 month stats are in. He's almost 25 in and 13 lb 4.5 oz. She's never given me any "percentile" stats on him. I'm sure that's because he isn't on a normal growth curve since he was so small when he was born. She did say that he's catching up and growing well. He's doing all the normal 6 month things, just in a smaller body.
Alex continues to do well at her track meets. This week she finished 23rd out of gobs of girls after having been sick with the flu bug for two days and not running for three. This being the flu bug that spread like wildfire through our house to everyone except Joe. Thank goodness for small blessings. And yes gobs is an exact amount.
Do - this picture is for you....... This is your "bonding over helicopters" outfit.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Seriously? 6 Months already? Happy half-year birthday Joe!

In our house you have to have a nickname. Its just what happens with Paul. For example, Abby (the dog) became "Goat" because she has a beard. Then we got Maizie and she was "Baby Goat" even though she does NOT have a beard, and is in fact bigger than Abby. Then they became Mazola and Goatina. The list goes on. So Joe now, has quite a few nick names. Paul's favorite so far is "Hoho." This would only make sense to you if you watch the Ni Hao, Kai Lan cartoon. Hoho is her little monkey friend. I've included a picture for comparison sake. You all can be the judge.

Joe can't wait to meet his Uncle Joey and take his first vacation in a few weeks. I'm sure we'll have many pictures and stories to share once we are home from that trip.