Saturday, March 27, 2010

First Birthday Fun(ish) Part 2

Considering it was Spring Break and we hadn't really been on "vacation" in well over a year, we decided to take a few days and go to San Antonio to have a little fun and continue Joe's birthday celebration.

We got a room at an historic hotel near the Riverwalk. Operative word being historic. Alex kept saying that she thinks Santa Anna must have stayed there before he battled at the Alamo. She was joking....but the joke continued on for the whole weekend. Everything we saw, Santa Anna must have been there or done that. Drank from the water fountain on the Riverwalk, shopped at the mall, eaten a corndog at the zoo, etc. So we HAD to take a picture when we came upon a wax figure of who else....Santa Anna!!!

The first day we went to the Riverwalk. I really, really wanted to take a family picture on one of the bridges but the girls wouldn't take a picture with me. I'm not sure if I should be offended or not. Here is at least one picture from that day. Do with Joe doing what he loves best. Pointing at where he wants you to take him. It's his new favorite thing to do. He is quite bossy.

The second day, Paul, the girls and my Dad (Do) went to Six Flags. I think Do thought he could hang a little bit more than he really could. He hung in all the way up to the point when they got off a ride and he thought he was going to lose his lunch. Then he had to sit it out for a while. He must have recovered because I hear there were funnel cakes and ice cream after that. All in all, a great day.
We were saving Saturday to take Joe to the zoo. I love the San Antonio Zoo and couldn't wait to show him all the animals. We wake up on Saturday morning and it was windy and FREEZING. But the rain cleared and I was determined to go to the zoo. So we semi-bundled up and headed out. Not a good idea. As you can see from this picture, Joe was so bundled and cozy he couldn't see anything and just went to sleep. I had him in the Baby Bjorn and Paul's jacket around both of us. Needless to say, the zoo was a bust. Maybe next year.

But, we did get to go to my Grandad's house and see lots of my Mom's family. This was the first time most of them had met Joe. Some of our family was visiting from Colorado so it was a special treat for him to get to meet them! I was able to capture Joe's introduction to Grandad. Priceless.

As an added treat, Joe chose this setting to take his first steps! He's been standing up by himself for short periods and we were practicing that and then he just went ahead and took two steps to me! I couldn't believe it! Then I made him do it over again for the camera. I didn't know if he'd be able to do it again, but sure enough!

The reason I say fun(ish) in the title of this post is because later that day (Saturday) Joe got sick and had a fever. He was pretty much miserable after that. (I'm really trying to convince myself this had nothing to do with the trip to the zoo so please don't mention it if any of you were already thinking that). Sunday was his birthday and it was pretty well shot with him being sick. So we were able to get one shot of him in his birthday shirt (that's birthday shirt, not birthday suit) and then we were headed back to Houston. No big fun on his actual birthday.
(In this picture, it appears Joe has taught Do his new pointing trick)

Alex and Maddie also had big weeks this week.

Maddie is dancing this weekend at Nationals in Galvestion. Paul went to see her dance and said she did amazing! Results are out tomorrow so I'll be sure to let you all know about that next time. I was really worried about her ankle but it held up. With this being the last competition of the season, you'd think she'd get to rest up. No such luck. She has her recital and try-outs for her junior high dance team coming up in the next few weeks. No rest for the weary.

Alex's choir had their UIL competition on Friday and did really well. They got 1's which is the best score you can get and the judges said they were the best choir they'd heard during the whole competition! This was a tough one for Alex because her track team pictures were scheduled for the exact same time as the choir concert and she was really torn. It's tough being so good at so many things.....
Not many pictures of the girls on this one (go figure), but here are some good ones of Joe from his birthday week.
This was at dinner Saturday night.

This is a rocking horse my friend Aggie got Joe the Christmas before he was born. He's just now getting interested in it.
Here he is using his new swing. This was one of his birthday presents.

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