Monday, January 18, 2010

I'm a Bad Blogger

Sorry for the brief hiatus. I had a bout of writers block. As insane as it sounds, I couldn't think of anything to write about. And then all of a sudden I realized how rediculous that was and have LOTS to say!

Joe's been doing all kinds of new tricks recently! He went from just barely scootching around at Christmas to crawling around faster than you can say "uh-oh don't touch that!" He has also figured out how to pull himself up on the furniture and oh, man is he pround of himself. He hasn't quite mastered getting his feet underneath him and pushing up that way. He uses pure brut upper body strength to get up. He's going to have Popeye-like biceps before too long.

He also randomly waves hi and bye to people. But only when he chooses to do it. Asking him to, is pretty much a guarantee that it's not going to happen. And he's developed a crooked smile. He tries to move his bottom teeth over so they don't touch his top teeth. It's hilarious.

His final new trick of the week is my most favorite. Paul went to go pick him up from daycare one day and the teacher said...."Did you know he whispers?" Oddly enough, we had heard him doing it, but hadn't really connected the fact that it was strange for a baby to be doing! Now that she's pointed it out we think its fantastic! He'll get right up in your face and whisper. And he loves it when you whisper in his ear as well. He gets really quiet and still but his eyes move around like he's thinking.

Maddie's first dance competition is coming up on February 6. This is the first one and the first time she's doing her solo. So, she has kindly asked for limited family participation so she doesn't get too nervous this first time. After's on. Anyone and everyone come on out! I did ask permission in advance to video the solo and post it on the blog. Assuming I can hold my camera steady enough to not make everyone sick, expect a posting of that in the coming weeks.

February 6 is also Alex's birthday and being the great, supportive big sister she is....she'll be at Maddie's dance competition all day. Isn't that the sweetest?
Alex has been getting ready for track season, working with a professional trainer to build up her speed. She's really putting in so much effort to work on her technique. I can't wait to see her out there competing.

Lots of springtime fun coming up in the Spanos house!

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