Monday, December 21, 2009

Birthday Fun

Sorry for two posts in one day. I realized I never actually posted this one last week in all the pre-holiday bustle. You get a double dose of Spanos fun today.

Saturday was my birthday. I'm not going to say how old. And right on queue, I woke up to a stiff hip. Seriously? That's not a very nice birthday present. Couldn't God have given me something that made me feel youthful instead?

I had but one request for my birthday. I wanted to go out for date night, eat at a restaurant without high chairs, and see a movie. I guess that's actually three requests. Paul and I have tried a couple of times to go out without Joe but something always happened. Last time it was the day it snowed and we were supposed to have frozen roads. This time, no excuses. So we actually made it out of the house! I think after 9 months, my movie picking abilities are a little rusty though. We saw a really sad, depressing movie that made me not want to get old. I'll have to go back to the tried-and-true chick flick next time. Sorry Paul.

Paul took the girls to a concert on Dec 18. It was a concert hall full of screaming girls anxious to see Justin Beiber. Unbeknownst to him, the venue was standing room only and tweenage girls are crazy strong. They got pushed all over the place! Luckily Paul and another Dad were there to make sure the girls were safe. They had a ton of fun.....but no pictures that I'm aware of.

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