Saturday, September 26, 2009


This week was so eventful! Joe started sitting up by himself. Let me qualify that statement. If I sit him up, he can stay there by himself.....until he flops over. BUT, he doesn't flop over right away! Progress! He's doing so well!

The doctor's 6 month stats are in. He's almost 25 in and 13 lb 4.5 oz. She's never given me any "percentile" stats on him. I'm sure that's because he isn't on a normal growth curve since he was so small when he was born. She did say that he's catching up and growing well. He's doing all the normal 6 month things, just in a smaller body.

He also tried his first taste of rice cereal. This is the first thing he's ever had to eat besides milk, other than the time Do thought it would be good to let him taste peach popcicle. I thought for sure we'd never go back after that, but we did! As you can see from this picture, he is NOT fond of the rice cereal. Not nearly as fond as he was of the peach popcicle anyway. We've given the cereal to him a couple of times this week and he just curls up his lip at it. I'm not sure we are going to have much luck with the rice cereal.

Alex continues to do well at her track meets. This week she finished 23rd out of gobs of girls after having been sick with the flu bug for two days and not running for three. This being the flu bug that spread like wildfire through our house to everyone except Joe. Thank goodness for small blessings. And yes gobs is an exact amount.
Joey came home from Iraq yesterday for his two week R&R. The trip as he put it was "long and arduous." He left Iraq on Tuesday (which was really our Monday) and got to Dallas Saturday morning. I'm really impressed with what the DFW airport does for returning soldiers and sailors. They have members of the community come out for each returning flight and stand with the families to cheer for the men and women coming off their plane, wave flags, hold signs and provide them with snacks and drinks. I'm so glad there's still some show of appreciation that we are doing for our heroes. I can't wait to see Joey and the kids this week!

Ok, Joe's on my lap as I type this and he's saying thats enough talking. He has some things to say.

Do - this picture is for you....... This is your "bonding over helicopters" outfit.

1 comment:

  1. Yay - a video! And I'm so impressed -- Erin is thrilled with her newly discovered talent of blowing raspberries but I can't catch it on video for the life of me. Joe looks great sitting up!
