Sunday, May 16, 2010

I think I can, I think I can!

Not much in the way of updates this week other than the fact that the habitual biter in Joe's class that has gotten him good about 6 times is no longer in his class.....YEAH!! We are so relieved!

And in other news....Joe is trying like crazy to walk these days! He was very motivated by the stack of blocks Daddy was building and just toddled right on over to knock them over.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Mother's Day and Lots of Other Stuff

Oh my gosh. It's been a while since I've had an opportunity to post anything new and I have so much I have to try and remember! The pressure!!!!
First of all, a big congratulations goes out to Do (aka Grandpa) who has officially retired on April 30 after 35 years working for Bell County. He and Grandma wasted no time packing up their house to get it ready to sell so they can move on down to The Woodlands and be near us! We are so excited they are coming and can't wait until it all gets settled!
Joe has had lots of "stuff" going on lately. His favorite teacher, Ms. Sandy, from his first toddler class left the daycare. Even though he wasn't in her class anymore, he still went to visit her every morning. Here's a picture of the two of them on her last day. He still misses her.... Mornings just aren't the same.

Joe has been really trying to walk a lot lately. He's started just standing up on his own in the middle of the floor. He used to only stand up when he crawled over to a piece of furniture, but now his first instince is to stand unassisted. He'll take a few steps and then decide to fall down and crawl the rest of the way, but he's trying! I'm sure it'll be no time now before he's off and running. He already loves to climb up and down the stairs and he's super fast. We are in t-r-o-u-b-l-e.
He's also started swimming classes. Joe and I go to the YMCA twice a week and take a 30 min class with other little ones and their parents. So far, Paul hasn't been able to stay long enough to see the class start (he has to go tend to the dogs), so we have no pictures.....yet. There will be some for sure though.
I think I said I would include some of Joe's 1 yr old pictures we had taken right around his birthday and I never did do that. So here they are. My FAVORITE is the one where he's looking down. Precious! There were other shots, but my scanner isn't cooperating.....sorry.

Mother's Day was so special. We took our Mom's (and me!) out to a really nice Mother's Day brunch and then Mom and I got to spend a little time shopping. Then to end the day, Paul and I took Joe to the park. It was just perfect. Last Mother's Day was really my first, but things were so crazy with him only being home from the hospital for a few weeks and we were all still in a daze. I was really able to enjoy this one much more.

Here are a few pictures from that day. The ones of Joe were taken Sunday morning when he was just goofing off.

Look....he's winking. He loves to push the buttons on our new oven....luckily, it has a "lock" feature.

Alex and Maddie are about done with school. Just two and a half weeks left! I can't believe how fast this year has gone. I'm sure they would say otherwise. Next year is going to be crazy with activities now that Maddie will also be in Junior High. Wow they have grown up so fast.
Maddie, in addition to making the Gingham Girls team (junior high dance team), also changed the dance company she's going to be dancing with going forward. She is now with a new group of girls and really feels like this move is going to make her an even better dancer. She started classes with them last week and is loving it! Bring on competition season!
Ok, that's all for now. My computer break is almost over.